Container Home Energy Model Design

Generation, Storage and Backup Requirements in Varied Climates

The Container Home Energy Model

Welcome to our Electrical Engineering Capstone Design home page. A brief overview of our project can be found below. Detailed and technical information can be found in the links on the top of the page. Links to contact information and about the original concept are also found above.

Project Overview

This container home energy modeling project is focused on designing an accurate energy model for a shelter which is expected to be deployed in diverse operating environments. The 396 sq. ft. container home structure is composed of steel, plywood, and closed cell insulating foam and is designed to be rapidly deployable, self-sustaining and cost effective. Equipped with a photovoltaic energy generation system, energy storage and a backup generator, these systems can be installed in remote locations for extended periods. To ensure a shelter has adequate energy resources for extended operation in its deployed environment, an accurate modeling tool is needed. This tool is crucial in the development of an easily deployable system since energy needs will be directly impacted by local climates. A compressive energy modeling tool can eliminate the need for energy analysis studies, calculate energy needs based on an hourly model, and estimate the amount of backup energy or fuel required.

A simplified illustration of the system is shown above. The overall goal is to estimate the backup energy requirements of the container home when operating in a changing local climate, simulated in multiple locations using long term collected data. A compressive simulation tool will account for all factors including occupancy patterns, energy storage and HVAC needs. The final product of our design will be a model of the energy profile of a container home in various climates including backup generation and storage requirements. This model will be accompanied by a scientific report detailing our methods for combining and modeling the various energy accounts in the entire system. Our project approach and design is explained in further detail on the Project Description page. Visit the Original Concept page for information on the original Container Home implementation.

About Us

We are a group of electrical engineering students enrolled at Northern Arizona University during our final year of studies. Our team is composed Northern Arizona University students and students from Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications participating in the CQUPT3+1 program here at NAU. We are excited to combine our engineering skills and knowledge in the pursuit of a unique design for this energy modeling project. With the guidance of experienced facility, researchers and enthusiastic NAU project sponsor Dr. Benjamin Ruddell, we hope to deliver an exceptional final product. Visit the contact us page for more information about us, our Container Home Energy Modeling Team and our project sponsor.

Additional Comments

Webpage built with Brackets, an open-source webpage and coding software.

Energy simulation with eQUEST, a free energy analysis software provided by the US Department of Energy

Webpage template by ARaynorDesign and provided by

Last Updated: 15 December 2017